Taaaaaaa prawactwo takie święte. Gdyby ludzie myśleli racjonalnie to nie byłoby lewicy czy prawicy.
Here’s a new, different angle video of the assault on a girl in front of La Boca del Lobo club at la plaza de Santa Eulalia in Murcia, Spain by atifa degenerates.
The CCTV footage shows the girl smoking outside the club, when the pack of closeted homos shows up. At around 1:08, the girl throws the butt on the ground, and turns around to return to the club. But at that moment, as her back is turned to the fags, one of the homos kicks her from behind.
She responds to the attack despite the disadvantage of owning a set of brass ovaries, and takes the twinky down like a fucking champ. But the rest of the cowardly pack then start kicking her while she’s on the ground dealing with the first loser.
The video proves that the girl is a fucking badass, while the antifas are cowardly losers with gaping assholes.