Panowie policmajsterzy z Kaliforni dostali zgłoszenie o kradzieży pojazdu, gdy go dojżeli przystąpili do interwencji.
akcja się zaczyna 2:20
W samochodzie siedział właściciel samochodu który odzyskał swoją stratę, był inwalidą "przykutym do wózka" i korzystał z maski tlenowej a dzielni panowie przystępują do akcji (widzą że jakiś zgredzio przestraszony z rękami nad głową)
Policja nie reagując na niego poraziła paralizatorem/taserem oraz obezwładniła po przez walenie jego głową o drzwi samochodu. Obywatel zmarł. A więc Chwała Wspaniałej Dumie Policji.
52 year old California man named David Glen Ward reported his car stolen by a carjacker. Later, he recovered his car and while driving in it, he was pursued by Sonoma County Sheriff’s deputies whose “shoot first, ask questions later” attitude, as well as the itch to murder or brutalize someone every time they put on their uniform, is very much in line with the attitude of all cops in police states.
The Sonoma Cops pull Mr. Ward over and proceed to harras and assault him, without verifying whether he’s the owner of the car or not. Mr. Ward was a man with disabilities who had to carry an oxygen tank and use a walker or a wheelchair, according to his half sister.
Citizen killers Charlie Blount and Jason Little don’t care about any of that, and proceed to violently extract him from the car, even though his legs are pinned beneath the steering wheel.
Blount grabs Ward by his hair and pulls him out of the car window, while his buddy Little repeatedly deploys taser to enhance the brutality. Blount then smashes Ward’s head into the car door, and puts him in choke hold to drag his dying body out.
Cop Nick Jax later informs Blount and Little that Ward was a carjacking victim, not a car thief. Blount, who just itched to get a nudge on his belt for another life he took responds with “Oh well.” – typical cop response w hen finding out he had just killed an innocent man.